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6 Ways Your Dental Team Is Preparing for Your Visit During the COVID-19 Pandemic

July 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gentledentistry @ 10:22 pm
Dentist in Sparta wearing PPE

Many things have changed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grocery shopping, going to work, and even seeing your friends and family is more different now than it ever has been. In addition to all this, your dental office has been making changes. Read on to learn more from your dentist in Sparta about what the team is doing to prepare for your appointment and how things will be different from last time.


Creative Contact-Free Ways to Greet Your Dental Team

May 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gentledentistry @ 11:16 am
Two women wearing face masks and bumping elbows

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives, including how we connect with one another. From dialing into video conferences to wearing masks in public spaces, new habits and precautions are necessary to help contain and defeat the coronavirus. Social distancing is even necessary when visiting the dentist’s office. Are you a hugger? Do you love your dental team? While the feeling is mutual, greetings that involve physical touch will have to be put on pause while COVID-19 still presents a threat. But do not let this fact dampen your spirits! Here are some creative ways you can connect with your dentist in Sparta and their dental team with minimal touching at your next dental checkup.


How to Improve Your Oral Health and Wellbeing While at Home

April 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gentledentistry @ 2:17 pm
an image of dental floss, two types of toothbrushes, and mouthwash

Your dentist in Sparta wants what is best for you and your smile. Since dental offices are currently closed throughout the country, regular checkups and cleanings are not possible. As a result, it is up to you to maintain your oral health until they reopen. But how can you improve on what you’re already doing? If you practice regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing, that is great; however, your smile may be lacking its full potential. If you want it to look and feel its best, consider the following tips to help your smile truly shine while at home.


The Dangers of Oral Cancer and Why It’s Best to See Your Dentist

March 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gentledentistry @ 3:57 pm
A man holding a white card that has “Oral Cancer” written on it

Did you know that in 2018, it was estimated that more than 51,000 individuals would be diagnosed with some form of oral or oropharyngeal cancer. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, nearly 40% of these people would not live longer than 5 years. No matter if these figures sound high or low, it should raise a red flag about the importance of early detection. April is Oral Cancer Awareness in Sparta, which means your dentist doesn’t want you to dismiss your regular dental checkups. Why? Because they include oral cancer screenings. This quick and easy examination makes it possible to check for abnormalities and begin treatment right away. Read on to learn more about this deadly disease and how your dentist can serve as your ally in the fight.

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