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How Your Smile Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gentledentistry @ 1:05 pm
A woman smiling at a job interview.

With fall right around the corner and many new graduates about to enter the working world, this time of year is a busy season for job seekers. Whether you’re looking for your first real position or trying to earn a promotion, raise, or make a career shift, putting your best foot forward is essential to landing your dream role. Unfortunately, however, when it comes to your employment status it’s not enough to simply have the right qualifications. To gain a competitive edge requires you to look the part, and to do that, having a healthy, white smile is essential.

If you’re looking to make moves in your career this season, here’s how whitening your teeth can help!

First Impressions Matter

When it comes to landing a job, the first impression you give a potential employer is often the most important one. According to a recent study, people with whiter teeth have a better chance of being hired and of being offered a higher salary. In fact, in the study, 58 percent of the participants who whitened their teeth before attending a simulated job interview were hired, and 53 percent were offered higher salaries!

Improving Dating Odds

Having a whiter smile doesn’t just benefit your career, either. It can also help you improve your success in your personal life. In the same study, participants who went on simulated dates had similar success. Fifty-nine percent of those who had whitened their teeth were perceived as being more outgoing, while 54 percent of evaluators wanted to continue their date.

Professional Teeth Whitening

If your smile is looking a little lackluster these days, don’t despair. Professional Zoom! Whitening can help. Done at your dentist’s office, Zoom! can be completed in about an hour and lift six to eight shades of staining from your teeth in just one treatment. Your dentist simply applies a powerful gel to your teeth while you relax under a special light that accelerates the process. You’ll be able to leave your appointment and return to your daily activities with a confident, healthy, glowing smile, and zero downtime.

Remember, your credentials are what qualify you for the job, but your smile can often help you seal the deal. If your teeth aren’t looking quite as white as you’d like, give yourself an instant boost of confidence and improve your odds of success with a professional whitening treatment!

About Our Practice

At Gentle Dentistry Sparta, your comfort is our number one goal. Whether you’re here for a semi-annual exam, a restoration, or a professional whitening treatment, we strive to make you feel safe and relaxed so that caring for your oral health isn’t just another chore.

If you’re ready to make a positive impact in the working or dating world by taking control of your smile, schedule an appointment with us for professional whitening today by visiting our website or calling us at 973-729-9044.

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