Have you already started undergoing Invisalign treatment? If so, then you’re likely excited to achieve your results with a perfectly straight smile. Not only will your teeth move into more ideal positions, but it’ll also be easier for you to maintain proper dental care in the long run. However, some patients may find it challenging when removing their clear aligners. Keep reading to learn five easy steps that’ll make this process much smoother!
#1: Remain Calm
When facing a difficult situation, one of the most important things to do is to stay relaxed. The more panicked you feel, the more challenging the task can become. Since you won’t want to damage or break your Invisalign trays, you’ll need to remain calm throughout the removal process. Take a deep breath and be patient with yourself until you’re able to take them off.
#2: Warm Up Your Mouth
If you’ve recently had a cold drink, then your clear aligners may become stiffer and trickier to remove. You may want to warm your mouth up to ensure your trays are sufficiently flexible to handle. Try leaving your mouth open or drinking lukewarm water. However, be sure to stay clear of hot beverages, as they can warp or damage your aligners. You can also keep your fingers dry to help you get a better grip on the trays.
#3: Start at the Back
Begin removing your clear aligners by lifting them off your molars and gradually shifting them forward. Many patients sometimes start on one side and then lift the other—whichever technique is simpler for you. This process can be more difficult if you have attachments present. If you have these, be sure to hook your nails under the edge of your aligners and lift.
#4: Use an Aligner Hook
If you aren’t able to remove your trays with your fingernails, then you might consider buying orthodontic tools like Pul Tools and OrthoKeys to help. These convenient appliances are specifically designed to help you take off clear aligners by hooking under them and lifting them off your pearly whites. This is especially helpful if you have attachments, making the removal process quick and easy!
#5: Try Switching Aligners Before Bed
When switching to your new set of clear aligners, it’s best to do so at the end of the day. Since you’ll be sleeping, this will be the perfect time to rest while your teeth are adjusting to the pressure of your next rays, which can be mildly uncomfortable. By the time you wake up, your teeth will have grown more accustomed to them, and they’ll be much easier to take off.
By practicing these tips, and taking some pain relievers, you’ll be able to enjoy a simpler routine for caring for and removing your clear aligners. But if you still experience some challenges during your Invisalign treatment, be sure to consult your dentist for help!
About the Author
Dr. James Shahinian received his dental degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He’s also a proud member of the American Dental Association and he regularly seeks advanced training to expand his skills. He provides a wide range of high-quality and comprehensive services, including Invisalign. If you’d like to know more about removing and caring for clear aligners, visit his website or call 973-729-9044.