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From Bright to Radiant: Elevating Your Whitened Teeth with Makeup

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gentledentistry @ 8:47 pm
A woman smiling while bright red lipstick makes her whitened teeth pop

Some cosmetic dental treatments have oral health benefits that go along with them. But teeth whitening is all about wowing the crowd! Far from being frivolous, a professional teeth whitening can whiten your teeth by several shades, boosting your confidence and making a stand-out first impression.

You certainly don’t underestimate the power of a gorgeous smile, so why not take it to the next level? With some tasteful makeup choices, you can elevate your teeth from bright to positively radiant. Here’s how.

Red and White Makes Contrast

Red is a staple lipstick color in any woman’s makeup bag. To show off your teeth whitening, though, you’ll want to choose your iciest, purest shade. You see, warm and yellow undertones will make white appear worn and tarnished. That’s why dental stains are such a pain in the first place! Fortunately, you can still use red lipstick to provide plenty of contrast for your teeth, as long as you stick to cool tones that lean blue or purple.

A Little Glitter Never Hurts

It really doesn’t! Unless, perhaps, you’re attending an event that’s less fun and more business. Regardless, silvery sparkles delicately dappled around your eyes and cheekbones will make your teeth appear flashier – kind of like how sunlight beautifies snow by making it glisten. In your case, though, avoid gold and yellow shades. Even in glitter form, those warm tones won’t create the effect you’re looking for.

Emphasize the Lips, Not the Eyes!

Normally, accentuating your eyes and lashes is exactly what you should do. However, you want everyone’s attention to be drawn to your dental radiance this time. Minimal amounts of subtle color around your eyes won’t detract from your teeth too much, but going overboard with a dramatic cat-eye or boisterous eyeshadow definitely will. Keep this in mind when sculpting your contour and blush, too!

These makeup tips will do your cosmetic dentist proud and show off your newly whitened smile. But sometimes, less can be more. Professional teeth whitening treatments are so effective at lifting stains that people are bound to notice, regardless of whether you’re wearing makeup or not. Cosmetic treatments are for you to enjoy, including the dental ones, so do what makes you feel confident and have a blast at your next outing!

About the Practice

Drs. Zelia Cannon and James Shahinian work together to provide patients with quality dentistry and quality care. They’re both dedicated to helping their patients feel confident with their smiles, to the point where Dr. Cannon has received advanced training in cosmetic dentistry and is a member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. You couldn’t be in better hand for your teeth whitening treatment! To contact their office, call 973-729-9044.

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